The Mountain Road Map

A step-by-step overview on leadership roles at The Mountain

Jae Hyun Kim
4 min readJun 19, 2021

The Two Goals

We have two goals for everyone who attends The Mountain. One, for you to start one of the 24 Mountains in your 6 AM time zone. Or, two, to start a Mountain at your local church. So, the purpose of this article is to lay out a roadmap on how you will get there.

Now, this is simply a road map, a guide. It doesn’t mean that you have to follow exactly what it says because the Holy Spirit may lead differently than as I have shared here and we want to, ultimately, follow His guidance. Without further ado, here is the road map:

  1. Attend the Mountain daily for one month.
  2. Lead a breakout group (Breakout Group Leader).
  3. Lead a Mountain (Mountain Leader).
  4. Oversee the Mountain Leaders (Mountain Head).

Now, I’m not going to go into super in-depth details about the responsibilities of each of these leaders because that would make this article way too long. But, I’m going to briefly talk about them so that you have an overview of the road map.

First, attend The Mountain daily for one to three months.

We cannot entrust responsibility to those who are inconsistent. Think about it. How can we ask someone to lead a breakout group or the Mountain if we don’t know if he is going to show up or not? Plus, it has been my experience that daily reading is essential to our growth as a disciple of Jesus. And what’s the point of growing as a leader if you aren’t growing as a disciple of Jesus?

And, by the way, if you have a hard time showing up consistently, don’t worry! That’s completely normal. In fact, I still struggle showing up daily and I’ve been doing this for over a year!

And as the Holy Spirit is building up your consistency, observe and learn how the different leaders lead because that’s going to be you in a couple of months. But, in this first step, more than anything, just focus on showing up daily. And trust me, that’s going to require plenty of effort and dying to your flesh because waking up at 6 AM is really difficult.

Second, lead a breakout group.

If you have been coming out to the Mountain consistently, then perhaps, it is time for you to lead a breakout group. Most likely, your breakout group leader will ask you to lead a breakout group. But, if she doesn’t, then it is more than okay for you to ask to lead as well. The breakout group leader has two responsibilities. One, to read the passage as a group and two, to give everyone an opportunity to share and feel heard in the time allotted.

Third, lead a Mountain.

After several months of leading the breakout group, there will come a time for you to be a mountain leader. The Mountain leader’s responsibility is to open the Zoom room and be there at 6 AM, appoint someone to manage the breakout rooms, share at the end, and close in prayer.

Fourth, oversee the Mountain leaders.

After having gained experience leading a Mountain, you will oversee the Mountain leaders. Your responsibility is to have four mountain leaders that you are working with closely, scheduling which Mountain leader will lead which week throughout the month, leading the leadership meetings at the end, checking in with each breakout group leader about how their groups went, coaching breakout group leaders and the mountain leaders to grow as leaders and disciples of Jesus, and choosing which passages to read.

Nothing special about leadership.

One thing that I would like to mention is that there is no inherent value in those leadership titles. In an organization, titles mean more influence and power. But, not us because we are not an organization but rather a family and a body of Christ. In fact, I wouldn’t even call them titles but rather names because, honestly, they are simply ways of easily identifying and referring to different roles. I could care less if we call them groups A, B, C, and D. It’s just that, if we called them A, B, C, and D, people and, really, I will get confused about which roles I am referring to.

Look forward to it!

And this should be exciting because in front of you is a step-by-step roadmap on how to live out the Great Commission as you are being equipped to lead others to grow in their discipleship of Jesus by reading the Word daily! And, honestly, I cannot think of a pursuit more worthwhile.


So, in this article, we talked about The Mountain roadmap which is the following:

  1. Attend the Mountain daily for one month.
  2. Lead a breakout group (Breakout Group Leader).
  3. Lead a Mountain (Mountain Leader).
  4. Oversee the Mountain Leaders (Mountain Head).

And be excited because you are being equipped to grow and make disciples!



Jae Hyun Kim

Writing to see His Kingdom come on earth. insta: @pastor_jae