What is “The GOND Online Church”?

Jae Hyun Kim
3 min readMar 23, 2021

The Go & Make Disciples Online Church (or, the GOND Online Church for short) is, simply put, an international church community built online for three purposes:

  1. To grow as disciples of Jesus.
  2. To make disciple-makers.
  3. To be The Church.

Now, the cool thing about this church is that the potential to live out the Great Commission, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” becomes vastly feasible. In fact, currently, we have people from Mexico discipling someone in India. And someone from the United Kingdom discipling someone in California. We are, literally, making disciples of all nations.

The second cool thing about this online church is that it is closely representative of The Church (yes! With the capital “T”!) What do I mean? There is a church, which is a group of Christians who meet in some particular location on a regular basis. However, The Church refers to all Christians worldwide. And that’s exactly what GOND Online Church is because our church members are from all over the world.

However, there are some limitations.

Every single person who is part of this online church should be part of a local church. Meaning, there should be a local, physical church that you are attending and serving and which you are also a body and family on a regular basis.

Why? Since this church is online, the lack of physical proximity will mean that the relationships built here are going to lack the depth and intimacy that can only be built at a local, physical church. Why?

Looking at the example of Jesus, He became human to be in physical proximity with his disciples. He could have tried to build a relationship with His disciples in other ways, but He chose to physically become human and be in physical proximity with His disciples. Why? Because he knew that deep intimacy with others requires physical proximity.

Among other reasons, this online church should never replace attending and being deeply involved in the local church. So then, why should you split your time and energy between being involved in two different churches? Isn’t it better to just focus all of your energy and time just in one?

Well, here’s the thing. First, there are things that this online church has that might not be readily available at your local church. For example, The Mountain. The Mountain is a daily morning Bible Study that we do as a church Monday through Saturday @ 6 am — 7 am (PST) and Saturdays @ 8 am — 9 am(PST). Many of you want others to read the Bible with to keep you accountable and yet, might not be able to find it at your local church. Well, welcome to GOND Online Church where we will help you to do just that.

Second, this online church can equip you to better serve your local church. To use the Mountain as an example again, there you’ll learn how to equip yourself with the Word of God and prayer on a consistent basis. And by being equipped here, you can use what you learned at The Mountain to better serve your local church.

Third, this online community is great for when you get tired from serving at your local church and need a fresh persective and renewal. If you have been with a local church for a length of time, you’ll experience times of drieness and difficulty with the people there. Therefore, this community can be almost be like a “vacation” where you can have the chanec to be filled up again.

So, hopefully, this explains a little bit about what this online church is about! If you have any more questions, please ask them to the person who sent you this article. Hope to see you soon!



Jae Hyun Kim

Writing to see His Kingdom come on earth. insta: @pastor_jae