Why the Name? “The Church”?

Jae Hyun Kim
2 min readApr 8, 2021

If you are wondering why the name of our church is “The Church,” this article is for you :)

To begin, it is important to distinguish between the local church and the universal church. The local church represents churches specific to a geographical location and serves the local community. The universal church, or The Church, refers to all believers all over the world, not specific to a geographical location.

We call our church, “The Church,” because our church doesn’t serve a specific local community nor does it have a geographical location. Our church exists for The Church, for every believer all over the world. And while the local churches serve the local community, our church exists to serve the global community of believers.

So, we don’t call ourselves, “The Church” because we think ourselves, “yup, we are it. We are The Church.” We call ourselves “The Church” because our church is made up of believers, literally, all over the world, going beyond geographical location and serving the global community.

Furthermore, while local churches may have physical buildings to gather, our building is the internet. By leveraging different online platforms, we make church services, prayer nights, small groups, and bible studies all possible.

Now, our church has three goals:

  1. To grow as disciples.
  2. To make disciple-makers.
  3. To edify the church.

One of the coolest things about our church is that the Great Commission, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” becomes vastly feasible. How? The internet. In fact, currently, we have people from Mexico discipling someone in India. And someone from the United Kingdom discipling someone in California. We are, literally, making disciples of all nations.

The second super cool thing about our church is that we impact local churches all over the world. How? Every member attending “The Church”, we see as representing, a church, that is, their local church. And when we build up leaders here, we are building up leaders who can go and serve their respective local churches. In other words, we build up leaders at “The Church” so that they can build up their local churches. It’s super cool.

Lastly, we believe that as much as it is important to be part of “The Church,” it is, perhaps, more important to be part of a local church. So, we encourage every person part of our church to be part of a local church as well.

In conclusion, the reason why the name of our church is called, “The Church” is because our church is made up of believers, literally, all over the world, going beyond geographical location and serving the global community of believers.

I hope that gives you some clarity about the name of our church :) God bless ❤



Jae Hyun Kim

Writing to see His Kingdom come on earth. insta: @pastor_jae